30 Frames$1050
60 Frames$2040
100 Frames$3300
150 Frames$4800
250 Frames$7750

We do not endeavor to be like Luxottica—who CAUSE the huge markup you may consider normal and accept. Since we are not a frame company, we don’t need to make these huge profits off the sale of frames to satisfy shareholders. We can offer them to our colleagues at surprisingly better prices than anyone is giving you now. All we want—like you–are quality, stylish frames at a reasonable cost so we can keep our patients and keep our practices profitable and growing. Period. To do this, we, an independent practice, declared our independence from Luxottica and the rest! And we invite you to join the movement.

"We are not just another frame company”

Why choose an Independent brand?

High prices. Monopolies. One corporation controlling 80% of the eyewear. They are the problem. We, like the Cascadia movement, are claiming our independence. We do so by using our optical expertise, creativity and hard work to ​create our eyewear—we are the solution.

What makes your brand so unique and individualized?

Because we are a small company, we usually make ​no more than 100 of each model, so you can be assured your limited ​edition eyewear is as individual as you are.

What kind of relationship does Cascadia Eyewear build with their customers?

We strive to build an honest relationship with our accounts. Any success we achieve in cost-savings is not immediately applied to our bottom line, as is the
current model of most of the frame companies you currently carry, since their main obligation is to please their shareholders. ​Our only obligation is to please you. This is evident not only in the ​quality, beauty and comfort of our product, but in the price.

Why Us?

Our line of eyewear is designed by an experienced optician dwelling in the beauty and vibe of the Cascadia region. The result is wearable, quality eye wear you can be proud to own.

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