In This Episode:
Eyewear retailers must adapt and change, sell out, or slowly die. Dennis Zelazowski and Perry Brill sat down on January 16, 2019 in London to discuss the future of the retail eyewear market. The times are changing as vision plan companies are buying large chain operations and going vertical. Watch as Dennis and Perry discuss how to thrive and the future of customized eyewear. Perry also did a podcast with Dennis earlier in the year!
About The Guest:
Dennis is a third generation optician, Inventor of the Chemistrie magnetic lenses, founder of Eyenavision, and Co-Founder of 3DNA Eyewear, recipient of Japan’s “Good Design Award” and recently named to the “Top 50 Retail Innovators of Hong Kong. Growing up inside the optical business has positioned Dennis to be a leading innovator in the industry. Dennis has been involved with Marketing and Development of optical solutions for over 20 years. Dennis has worked in nearly every facet of the optical industry, including: private practice; retail locations; and the wholesale supply chain. He has worked for a variety of companies, ranging from independent, single-location practices, to multi-location hybrids, and optical conglomerates. Dennis, a native to the greater Pittsburgh area, has apprenticed in optical trade locally, as well as in Colorado and Washington. Dennis’ educational background includes course work at Northern Arizona University, University of Pittsburgh and the Robert E. Cook Honor College at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Dennis has also earned his certification as a Microsoft Systems Engineer. Dennis holds Seven US patents for optical frame and lens design and several additional patents-pending. Dennis has successfully designed and implemented software for Retail, Wholesale, Laboratory, B2B, and B2C applications in the optical field.
Contact Dennis:
WhatsApp: +852 5527 0678